Early in the morning Gabby set about training Baby on the treadmill but everyone returned to routine for the house party the family hosted. Gabby introduced herself to Billy, Baby talked with Glenn about gardening, Emily chatted with Octavia about celebrities, Cade caught Ari up on how the rest of the family were doing, and Dabney discussed public transportation with Regan.
Once the party was over, Gabby chose to work out on the treadmill, thinking that she would be in prime condition for finding love.
Baby invited Siddahartha to visit but when he declined the offer she relaxed in front of the TV and then with a book.
Emily started making her first batch of cookies for the school, while Cade worked on another painting of the same subject as his last piece, not quite happy with how the first one had turned out.
Dabney headed to Central Park to work on her logic, as incentivised to by the science facility.
Gabby earned an extra three-hundred-and-forty-simoleons and come the day it was time to celebrate her and Dabney's birthday.
Billy proved to be very interesting and at work Dabney earned a small raise, there was great interest in the story. Still, she found it very hard getting the right momentum when trying to finish a piece for the evening news, until she tripped on the mail courier, landed on the mail cart, flew down the hall in a very ridiculous manner, crashed into an administrative assistant and ended up in a comical pile with the day's correspondence. That jogged an idea into her head.
Emily took her time to train Baby on the treadmill first thing in the morning and at the party she chatted with Billy, while Baby talked with Clinton about love, of all things, and Cade introduced himself to Graciela.
Gabby didn't get the chance to redo her hair after shaking it out at the party and she headed into work worryingly enough looking like her mother for the boss to try and secure her as a criminal with a promotion to Con Artist. Come the morning, she donned a new hat and completed a six hour work out.
Ari had heard that Baby was quite the grill maestro and wanted to sample some of her award winning burgers but, after work, she tried inviting Siddahartha to visit again, and again he declined.
The shower broke on Emily that morning but she spent another day baking cookies and spending time with her guest, Billy.
Dabney invited Alexa to visit and, after spending some time with her, Dabney played chess in her attempts at impressing the science facility.
Meanwhile, Cade asked Anna to visit and got to know her a little better.
Emily's cookies were the hit of the bake sale and it was just as well she headed out to deliver them because she hadn't realised how cooped up she had become in the house, going stir crazy. She had invited Anna to visit and, after the two of them had the chance to catch up, Cade picked up where he left off the previous day and confessed his attraction to her.
It seemed to be an unsettled week for Dabney, after writing a negative piece on a local business but misquoting one of the interviewees she was faced with the option to apologise or ignore the incident. She chose to apologise, not wanting her career to suffer from a loss of credibility if in the future the incident came to light again, but the office was not happy.
After work, she reported into the scientists at their facility, her study and dedication earned her seven-hundred-and-fifty simoleons and a mind that could outwit most bipedal creatures that inhabited the planet.
Baby made sure the fish were fed that morning and, after inviting Clinton to visit, asked Regan if he would visit also, but Mr Bishop couldn't make it.
Gabby spent some of the day with Billy and then settled down with the newspaper to catch up on the town's news.
Going stir crazy Cade decided to invite Anna out to meet him at Recurve Strand and there the two of them shared their first kiss.
The science facility had hit a bit of a slump, having not discovered any celestial bodies in quite some time, and so, after work, Dabney found her first star, Hadley, on their behalf. She was also taken aside by the editor and asked to work on a piece covering lifestyles in foreign regions. Both she and Baby earned promotions, Dabney, finally on screen, promoted to Weather Woman and Baby promoted to Top Secret Researcher.
When she arrived home, Baby got to know Billy a little better, Gabby having invited him to visit that morning and Gabby herself, after spending time with Billy, settled down with the day's paper.
Meanwhile, the owner of the restaurant hired Emily to redesign their interior décor with a painting. For the day though her focus was becoming friends with Dabney and Gabby and so she watched Gabby play her guitar and was willing to respond to Dabney's question about how her day had gone, despite the fact that it wasn't all that eventful.
Dabney was amused to find out that, when she reported on her galaxy searching after work, and as a result of discovering Hadley in record time, the scientists were planning a Hawaiian lab coat day.
Cade invited Anna around and thought about starting up his writing again while Emily completed a painting on the easel for the restaurant. It wasn't of high enough value for her to consider handing it over, so she made sure she scared everyone in the family instead, starting with Cade.
Gabby caught up with more of the town's news and Baby tried, and failed, again in inviting someone to visit.
Competing branches of the Organisation were looking at Gabby and her skills with eager eyes. Choosing between working as a thief or as an evildoer wasn't hard though and she was promoted to Henchman.
While she was invested in her career, she wasn't a mindless criminal. Gabby loved the theatre, enough so that with all the earnings the family had been making through promotions she decided to become a business partner of the drama and music centre.
Money was tighter at the school but after budget cuts they still had kept aside enough to invite Dabney in as a paid guest lecturer. With the school closed that day she headed to the library to read a book about being charismatic, ideal preparation for presenting to a class of children.
Anna wasn't able to join Cade for a date so he enjoyed watching TV instead.
Yes! Baby finally got Regan to visit and not only did she find out that he was single but, after a date that went so well, she could only describe her heart as being all aflutter.
Emily didn't get much done, she was hoping to learn how to play the guitar and while she was grateful that her children had more than four walls to call home she couldn't bring herself to pay for a full-priced lesson and stayed at home, making sure that the fish were fed.
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