2.3 Wanting more

On their return the Smiths threw a party to catch up with their friends. After chatting with Anna, Abbey headed to Old Pier Beach and having caught her first Anchovy thought of herself as an Amateur Ichthyologist.

Cade chatted with Octavia and completed Baby's portrait.

Dabney spent time with the guests and, while it may not have been as impressive as the sights she'd seen in Egypt, she chose to take a photo of her favourite place in town, the library.

Baby tended to her garden, which was reaching its last legs of life, and headed out to collect a Mission Blue Butterfly and Gabby jogged to the stone circle in town. Having such a wide array of fitness options available to her was both rewarding in itself and through the cash prize she received.

Gabby had found herself in the middle of an international smuggling ring and was asked to travel to Al Simhara to deliver a secret package to a local contact. In addition, the local science lab contacted her with their offer of a glimpse of the after-life but, eager to catch up with the town's happenings, she spent her free time reading the newspaper instead.

Dabney's talent for photojournalism was the talk of the office and it was positive talk despite the thumbs and pixilation. She earned not only a small raise at work but also a promotion. She headed to the book store to collect the family's earnings and then to the library to start work on an article but, unfortunately, her focus was disrupted by Rusty Ball's demise.

Abbey cast her rod at Crystal Springs where she caught her first Piranha and Cade invited Anna to visit before working on a medium sized painting.

Baby also earned a promotion at work. She headed home to care for her plants and then back out to catch a Royal Purple Butterfly.

The Editor never turned away good writing, especially when it came from the newspaper's own staff so, after work, Dabney set about completing her article "Threatened Habitats of the Red-Eared Woodpecker".

There was a left over tomato after an experiment at the Science Facility so Baby took it home with her. At home she tended to her garden before heading out in her continued hunt for Assassin Bugs. Unfortunately, she didn't have much luck.

After a night fishing at the graveyard and a day at the Science Lab Abbey's hard work and effort at the mausoleum paid off in the form of a raise.

Emily made an appearance in the early morning and Gabby had taken the chance to catch up with her. During the day the youngest Smith headed to the library to read a book about logic and Cade invited Anna to visit again. Again he went on to continue his day with painting.

Dabney's article was well received and she not only earned some cash for such a good job but also felt her performance at work improve. After work she returned the library, still aiming to complete enough works to donate them at City Hall.

Something came up which meant that Tonia Abrams wasn't able to visit Gabby so instead the youngest Smith read the newspaper, hoping for news of a newborn.

Abbey invited Clinton to visit and after spending some time together she headed to the Science Lab, where she caught her first Vampire Fish.

Baby also invited a guest to visit, Nathan, and saw the death of the last of her plants before she headed into town. She caught a Red Admiral Butterfly and found herself at the Art Gallery.

Cade asked Bella to visit and, after another morning spending time with a friend, returned to the easel.

Graciela Mayfield had a great piece in mind for an article but without the time to lay the foundations Dabney was tasked with writing one for the Editor to perfect. The focus for the day though was Abbey and Baby's birthday. While Abbey entertained Octavia and Dabney spent time with Ignacio, Baby found herself consoling Mortimer Goth after Lisa Bunch's death.

Cade was going stir crazy at home but couldn't leave when his eldest sisters were celebrating their transition into adulthood. Instead he took the party as a chance to introduce himself to Bella Bachelor. Gabby, meanwhile, let loose all her enthusiasm when it came to the blowing out of candles.

Dabney earned a promotion to Anonymous Source Handler and headed to the library to finish her latest science fiction hit.

After a day of independent research Baby not only earned a raise but also a promotion to Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker. She headed home and invited Clinton to visit. When she complimented him on his appearance she had no intention of breaking him and Corrie up, in fact, it was only then she found out about the relationship. She was quick to call off the "date" but was left with the sensation of wanting more.

Cade invited Bella to visit and then, to break out of his stir-craziness, headed to the library to see if he could read up enough on cooking to increase his culinary skills.

Gabby stayed at home and read the paper, although nothing caught her interest, and Abbey headed to Old Pier Beach for her usual fishing routine.

Gabby earned a promotion to Getaway Driver and received a call from the Bistro. They were training some new employees and wanted to show them what excellent quality crepes looked and tasted like, Gabby was asked to bring some in.

As usual the family held a party at the weekend and Gabby chatted with Tonia Abrams. Once the party had ended she worked out on the treadmill.

Abbey chatted with Octavia at the party and afterwards headed back to the beach to fish before work while Cade introduced himself to Ari Kay and worked on his latest painting.

Dabney headed to the library to work on a piece having interviewed Alexa Kay but instead she found herself reading her way through the library's collection and Baby invited Clinton around for a second date and confessed her attraction to him.

Current score: 6

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